"Custom Engraving on Brand Name Knives, Lighters and Accessories will Transform a Special Gift into a Cherished Keepsake"

Case by Handle

Looking for Case Knives for sale?

Here you can find Case Pocket Knives and Case Hunting Knives arranged by knife handle.

Case knifes have been made by hand in Bradford, Pennsylvania since 1889. One hundred and twenty pairs of hands touch each Case knife. Every knife blade is honed by hand to a razor sharp edge. It takes much more than quality materials to make a Case knife. It takes a discerning eye, skilled hands, and the knowledge and skill that takes years for a master craftsman to acquire. Since 1889, that's been the Case way. And it's one reason why, when you pick up a Case knife, you can feel the quality in your hands.

Case knives are "The Gift Your Granddaddy Gave to His Father".

Case knives look especially appealing in a knife display case. Any collector would like to fill a display case with knives. We believe that when a customer chooses to purchase Case knives, they do so because they want the best pocket knives.

Getting your knives engraved would be the perfect engraving gift for any loved ones. We can have your Case knives engraved for any occasion. Weddings, graduations, birthdays are just a few occasions that a personalized knife would be the perfect gift. We offer knife laser engraving, engraving on wood, personalized engraving, and custom knives for all your engraved gifts needs.

     SFO-Special Factory Orders

     6.5 Hand Flamed BoneStag SFO

     Amber Bone Hand Fired SFO

     Bermuda Green Bone SFO

     Bill Ruple Case Axe Handle

     Black Curly Oak

     Black Micarta

     Blue Crackle Kirinite

     Blue G-10

     Blue Sycamore Wood

     Box Elder Wood SFO

     Brown Maple Burl Wood

     Burnt Goldenrod Damascus

     Cardinal on Handle

     Caribbean Blue

     Caribbean Blue Bone SFO

     Case Select


     Color Infusion

     Copper Kirinite

     Crossroads Series

     Dark Red Burlap Micarta

     First Production Run

     Freedom Kirinite

     Gadsen Flag - DONT TREAD ON ME

     Green & Black Micarta

     Green Apple Bone Jigged



     Light Blue Synthetic


     Modern EDC Every Day Carry

     Natural Bone With Flag Shield

     Navy Blue Bone SFO

     New for 2025

     Old Red Bone Heritage Jig

     Old Red Bone Ltd Edition Series XXXVII

     Old Red Bone SFO Peachseed Jigging

     Orange Synthetic SFO's

     Patriotic Color Infusion

     Patriotic Kirinite

     Pilot Test Run Knives-Very Limited

     Pocket Worn Gray Bone

     Pocket Worn Mediterranean Blue Bone


     Red Stag

     Red Synthetic Handle with White SparXX Shield

     Seafoam Green G-10

     Sky Blue Bone

     Smooth Gray Bone

     Smooth Natural Bone

     Smooth Natural Bone SFO

     Smooth White Synthetic

     White Handle SFO

     White Synthetic with Flag Shield

     Wild Game Series

     Yellow Bone

     Zebra Wood-Natural

     6.5 BoneStag


     Amber Bone

     American Workman

     Antique Bone with Fluted Bolsters

     Black Rough Jigged Synthetic Knives

     Black Synthetic

     Blue Cloud Smooth Bone

     Boy Scout Knives

     Brown Synthetic

     Buffalo Horn

     Camo Case Caliber

     Case Winkler Series

     Christmas Knives


     Custom Work

     Dark Red Bone CS

     Duck's Unlimited

     Easter Knives

     Father's Day Knives

     Ford Motor Company

     Gift Sets

     Graduation Knives

     Groomsmen Knives

     Halloween Knives


     Hunting and Fishing Knives

     John Deere Case Knives

     John Wayne Case Knives

     Kitchen Knives

     Leather Wrapped Hunters

     Masonic Lodge Series


     Mint Sets

     My First Case Series

     National Wild Turkey Federation

     Natural Bone with Color Wash

     Navy Blue Bone

     Navy Blue Bone With Red Raised Shield

     Oak Handled Knives

     Orange Synthetic

     Pocket Worn Old Red Bone

     Presentation Knives

     Religious Knives

     Sambar Stag

     Scrolled Bolsters

     Shot Show Exclusives

     Small Lockback

     Smooth Chestnut Bone

     SPARXX with Case Glitter Shield

     Sportsman Series

     Stained Glass Look

     Star Spangled

     U.S. Air Force

     U.S. Army

     U.S. Navy

     United States Marine Corps Knife

     Utility - Working Knives

     Yellow Handle

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Case 6.5 BoneStag Russlock 65303 Engravable
Case 6.5 BoneStag Russlock 65303 - Engravable
In stock
Case 6.5 BoneStag Sowbelly 65313 - Engravable
Case 6.5 BoneStag Sowbelly 65313 - Engravable
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Case 6.5 BoneStag Wharncliff Mini Trapper 65305 Engravable
Case 6.5 BoneStag Wharncliff Mini Trapper 65305 - Engravable
In stock
Case Amber Bone Muskrat 10798 - Engravable
Case Amber Bone Muskrat 10798 - Engravable
Out of stock
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Case Bear Sportsman Series Trapper 81223 - Engravable
Case Bear Sportsman Series Trapper 81223 - Engravable
In stock
Case Black Curly Oak Canoe First Production Run 94006 - Engravable
Case Black Curly Oak Canoe First Production Run 94006 - Engravable
In stock
Case Black Curly Oak Peanut 14005 - Engravable
Case Black Curly Oak Peanut 14005 - Engravable
In stock
Case Black Curly Oak Trapper 14000 - Engravable
Case Black Curly Oak Trapper 14000 - Engravable
In stock
Case Black Handle Trapper DONT TREAD ON ME 6090 - Engravable
Case Black Handle Trapper DONT TREAD ON ME 6090 - Engravable
In stock
Case Black Rough Synthetic Razor 18239 - Engravable
Case Black Rough Synthetic Razor 18239 - Engravable
In stock
Case Blue Crackle Kirinite Razor 50727 - Engravable
Case Blue Crackle Kirinite Razor 50727 - Engravable
In stock
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Baby Butterbean 63733 - Engravable
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Baby Butterbean 63733 - Engravable
In stock
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Mini Trapper CS 63731 - Engravable
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Mini Trapper 63731 - Engravable
Out of stock
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Case Blue Sycamore Wood Seahorse Whittler 63735 - Engravable
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Seahorse Whittler 63735 - Engravable
Out of stock
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Case Blue Sycamore Wood Stockman CS 63732 - Engravable
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Stockman 63732 - Engravable
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Case Blue Sycamore Wood Trapper CS 63730 - Engravable
Case Blue Sycamore Wood Trapper 63730 - Engravable
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Case Brothers Natural Bone Trapper in Jewel Box 52017 - Engravable
Case Brothers Natural Bone Trapper in Jewel Box 52017 - Engravable
Out of stock
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Case BSA Black Synthetic Trapper 18088 - Engravable
Case BSA Black Synthetic Trapper 18088 - Engravable
Out of stock
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Case BSA Red Synthetic Trapper With Jewel Box 18090 - Engravable
Case BSA Red Synthetic Trapper With Jewel Box 18090 - Engravable
In stock
Case Burnt Amber Bone Medium Stockman Shot Show 10778 - Engravable
Case Burnt Amber Bone Medium Stockman Shot Show 10778 - Engravable
In stock
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